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Global Resources Electronics Exhibition 2017

Source: Time:2017-01-09 13:50:02 views:

April 11 to 14, 2017 Global Resources Electronics Exhibition will be held at the Hongkong international expo. the FLYING power supply (POWER) will bring a new generation of environmentally friendly products to exhibition.
April 11 to 14, 2017 Global Resources Electronics Exhibition will be held at the Hongkong international expo. By then, the FLYING power supply (POWER) will bring a new generation of environmentally friendly products to exhibition. Hope interested friends, come to visit our guide, I look forward to meet you!

Location: Hongkong International Expo Center

Date:April 11 to 14, 2017

Booth No.:11L08

Exhibitor:Flying Power Supply Technology Co.Ltd.


Flying Power invited you to global resource Electronics Show, in April 2017, Hongkong, we are in Asia International Expo Hall waiting for you!

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