Industry News

US will mandatorily require VI efficiency level for External Power Supply from 2016

Source: Time:2016-04-06 11:32:04 views:

On 10. February 2014, US Department of Energy (DOE) published a final rule prescribing new energy conservation standards for external power supplies.

On 10. February 2014, US Department of Energy (DOE) published a final rule prescribing new energy conservation standards for external power supplies. This new regulation applies to all direct operation External Power Supplies and includes, in addition to Class A power supplies previously covered by 2007 standards, power supplies that have not previously been subject to DOE regulations, such as:

  • multiple-voltage EPSs,
  • EPSs with nameplate output power greater than 250 watts, and some
  • EPSs that charge the battery of a product that is fully or primarily motor operated.

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